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Soulcalibur VI at Vortex Gallery Online 2023: The Champion’s Run

2 min

Soulcalibur VI at Vortex Gallery Online 2023: The Champion’s Run
Pic Source: Bigpapachunk on Twitch
It seems like we saw this trio of SC6 characters winning before

We mostly get used to having fighting esports events packed in two-three days, with many tournaments happening at the same time. But Vortex Gallery Online 2023 offers a different experience. It’s a series of online tourneys that happen throughout one month. It’s a lot of matches to enjoy, and we at DashFight totally love this.

Soulcalibur VI had its tournament quite recently. So, you’ll find here our traditional recap: with the stream, a short description, the results, and a list of SC6 characters in use.

You can find info about the whole Vortex Gallery Online 2023 on its start.gg page.

SC6 at Vortex Gallery Online 2023 | Stream, Top 8

RuberBeefMan sent Incendiate to the Losers side in the Winners Quarter-Final. And then, the player confidently defeated Schneider-X in the Semi and had a rather tough match against MasterCJ in the Winners Final. But you know, it’s not so easy to get rid of Incendiate in a Soulcalibur tournament

The Champion of Frosty Faustings XV (and quite a few other events) used his traditional three characters pretty effectively against four opponents in the lower brackets to reach the Grand Final and face RuberBeefMan again.

SC6 at Vortex Gallery Online 2023 | Stream, Grand Final

In the Grand Final, Incendiate took Xianghua to play against RuberBeefMan’s Hilde, and it worked very well. With six victorious games in a row, Incendiate is the Soulcalibur VI Champion at Vortex Gallery Online 2023. Congratulations!

SC6 characters at Vortex Gallery Online 2023

7. SlyTiger

7. RonTheTryhard

5. Schneider-X

5. Feremuntrus

4. No Woe

3. MasterCJ

2. RuberBeefMan

1. Incendiate