Bandai Namco Offers Their IPs for Other Companies

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Bandai Namco Offers Their IPs for Other Companies
Bandai Namco's extensive list of media franchises is now open for licensing, creating many new opportunities.

Via the Japanese website PRTIMES, we got some interesting news regarding Bandai Namco, the company behind Tekken, Soul Calibur, the Souls games, and many other massive franchises.

With the goal of expanding the appeal of their IP and deepening their connections with fans, Bandai Namco opened a licensing website that offers majority of their key IPs up for licensing.

This, of course, includes Tekken and Street Fighter, but the full list also includes Pac-Man, Katamari, Code Vein, Klonoa, and Ridge Racer, among others.

There's a lot of potential in initiative, and I'm sure that many of you are already dreaming about a sequel to Bandai Namco titles that by now went for years if not decades without seeing a sequel, but only time will tell what will come of this.

For fighting game fans especially, it's hard to imagine that we'll see something like SoulCalibur 7 come from anyone but Bandai Namco themselves. That said, it might not be unrealistic to expect some smaller games in different genres that take advantage of existing IPs to tell stories and offer experiences that will be new to the franchise.

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