The pro player pretty much confirms a settled situation among top characters
The competitive community has got enough time to explore the current power balance within the latest season of Dragon Ball FighterZ. After a lot of practice and quite a few pro events, various tier lists become seriously better justified, and they nicely reflect the general situation.
A few days ago, Shanks created his DBFZ tier list. His video is in Spanish, but the image is totally clear.
Are you at least slightly surprised to see Lab Coat, Vegito, and two Gogetas in the King of the Dojo category? These characters have become essential participants in top-level esports tournaments. For example, at REV Major, GO1, Fenritti, and Oblivion had an identical team: Blue Gogeta, Vegito, Lab Coat. And yeah, they were Top 3 players.
Some S-tier characters also fight at esports events quite often. For example, Android 21 is very popular. Yasha has Android 17 in his team. Zamasu is a feature character for Zane. Blue Goku helped Nitro win CEOtaku 2022.
Shanks is one of those players who stick mostly to their favorite characters instead of drifting towards top-tier ones. His usual team is Base Vegeta, Cell, Janemba (at CEO 2022), but sometimes, Shanks experiments with Cell on Point — at Evo 2022.
What do you say? Do you agree with Shanks’ tier list?
If you have no doubts about the power of top characters and want to learn them, here are pro video guides on DashFight:
To see Shanks at competitive action, don’t miss The MIXUP 2022 event. It happens on October 1-2.