DBFZ at Juicy Monthly, March: Krillin to the Stars

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DBFZ at Juicy Monthly, March: Krillin to the Stars
Pic Source: JuicyGameNight on Twitch
Is he a good Anchor for a Fusion/Lab Coat synergy?

Did you have a chance to recover from the excitement of DBFZ World Tour 2022/2023 Global Finals? Then it’s time to return to the fun (and tough) competition of regular tournaments — online and offline.

Juicy Monthly is a remarkable multi-game event that gathers quite a few very strong players in Florida. We at DashFight highlighted a couple of Juicy Monthly DBFZ tournaments last year (for example, JM October). And it’s pretty interesting to check out what’s going on in this part of the Dragon Ball FighterZ community now.

DBFZ at Juicy Monthly, March | Stream, Top 4

The main competition of this event was between Lucar and Drac. Both reached the Winners Final through the parallel brackets. And then their fight was continuous back-and-forth.

Drac traditionally played some of the most popular characters in the current meta, mostly having Blue Gogeta at Point and Lab Coat at Mid positions. The Anchor is Krillin, and he is rather an unusual pick.

Lucar stuck to a pretty interesting team composition — with no Fusions and 21

The players exchanged rounds in the Winners Final and reached the decisive game. Drac remained with Lab Coat only, and at one moment she was put into a sandwich between UI Goku and Videl — that sent Drac to the Losers bracket.

Here, the player defeated Diablo, 3:1 (also, no Fusions and Lab Coat) and proceeded to the Grand Final.

This new match was very similar to the Winners Final. But this time, it was Lucar who remained with one character, UI Goku. He tried to clutch against the whole team of Drac and even KOed Lab Coat. But then both Blue Gogeta and Krillin found their openings to reset the bracket.

The last match also started with exchanging games. Still, at some point, Drac did not lose the tournament point situation.

Drac is the DBFZ Champion of Juicy Monthly, March. Congratulations!

DBFZ Characters at Juicy Monthly, March

3. Diablo

2. Lucar

1. Drac

We at DashFight enjoy seeing how many various players with their ideas on DBFZ team composition have their moments to shine. And the announcements of the new patch and the upcoming new World Tour promises even more exciting tournaments to witness.

Stay tuned to our platform to be in the whirl of everything fighting esports related.

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