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  • Andrew Bow
  • USA

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Andrew Bow "WontonWarrior" is an American Super Smash Bros player. He mains Link in Ultimateand has an overall set count of 61%. In Smash 4, he mains Little Mac and ranked in New York (Westchester County) Power Rankings from Fall 2017 to Summer 2018.

He is a regular at events like Encore Smash Weekly and Fusion: The Weekly. He often teams up with SteR ThA KiiD to play Smash Ultimate doubles.

WontonWarrior has also competed in ssbu singles and ranked 49th at Colllsion 2019, 97th at Pound 2019, 193rd at Let's Make Big Moves, and 513th at Super Smash Con 2019.

Check out WontonWarrior's match against Lui$ here.

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