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SteR ThA KiiD

  • Lydell Sterling
  • USA

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Lydell Sterling, also known as "SteR ThA KiiD," is an American Super Smash Bros player from Mid Hudson Valley, New York. He plays for Matrix (mTx) which he founded.

Ranked 6th on the ssb4 Westchester County Power Rankings, SteR ThA KiiD mains Ness and is hailed as a top Ness player in the Tri-State region for both Ultimate and Smash 4.

SteR ThA KiiD has an overall set count of 59% and is a regular at Encore Smash Weekly and EON @ Money G events. He often teams up with WontonWarrior to play Smash Ultimate doubles. The duo even placed 9th in the doubles event at Collision 2019.

SteR ThA KiiD has also competed in ssbu singles and ranked 65th at Collision 2019, 97th at Pound 2019, 193rd at Let's Make Big Moves, and 385th at Super Smash Con 2019.

Take a peek at SteR ThA KiiD's YouTube channel here or check out his EON matches here.

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