Matches statistic
Matches played
42Win rate
51%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
42Win rate
51%Current streak (Old → New)
1:30 AMBO3 | Pelca/DM | 2 :0 | Haarsnow/Chrininja | ||
12:45 AMBO3 | TKbreezy/Malcolm | 1 :2 | Haarsnow/Chrininja | ||
12:40 AMBO3 | Haarsnow/Chrininja | 2 :0 | RIZZO/Beelzebub | ||
12:25 AMBO3 | Stroder /Jw | 2 :1 | Haarsnow/Chrininja | ||
12:05 AMBO3 | Jaaahsh/SuqAta | 1 :2 | Haarsnow/Chrininja | ||
12:00 AMBO3 | Pelca/DM | 2 :0 | Haarsnow/Chrininja | ||
12:00 AMBO3 | Pelca/DM | 2 :0 | Haarsnow/Chrininja |
D'ron Harris "Haarsnow" is an American Super Smash Bros player from New York. He has an overall set count of 60%.
Haarsnow mains Wolf with Peach. He grew up playing Nintendo games and believes his Princess Peach obsession stems from his mother's favorite game - Super Mario Bros on NES.
Haarsnow has competed in ssbu singles and ranked 1st at White Girl Wifi Wednesdays 2, 49th at Save Point, 129th at Collison 2019 & Glitch 8 - Missingno, 193rd at Genesis 7, 257th at Frostbite 2020, 65th at Overclocked Ultimate IV, and 385th at Let's Make Big Moves.
He partnered up with smashers like RedRobin to play Smash Ultimate doubles.
Take a peek at Haarsnow's Twitch channel here.