Matches statistic
Matches played
53Win rate
58%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
53Win rate
58%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Most played vs:
Best vs:
Diddy KongWins-losses:
Worst vs:
Matches played
53Win rate
58%Current streak (Old → New)
8:55 PMBO5 | Sonido | 3 :1 | ScAtt | ||
8:40 PMBO5 | ScAtt | 1 :3 | Sonido | ||
8:20 PMBO5 | Sonido | 3 :0 | Player-1 | ||
7:50 PMBO5 | Sonido | 0 :3 | ScAtt | ||
7:00 PMBO3 | Sonido | 2 :0 | Neos |
Leon "Sonido" Green is a Sonic main, American Super Smash Bros Ultimate player currently representing IlluZion Gaming.
Considered one of the best Sonic players in the world, Sonido has also participated in SSBU tournaments like Kumite in Tennessee 2019 & 2020, Genesis 6, Frostbite 2019 & 2020, MomoCon 2019, Super Smash Con 2019, CEO 2019, DreamHack Atlanta 2019, 2GG: Kongo Saga and The Big House 9.