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  • Alexander Martins
  • USA

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Alexander "Pugwest" Martins is a Super Smash Bros. competitor from Riverside, Rhode Island, USA. Their key disciplines are Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Smash Bros. 4, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where they main Lucina. In SSBWU, Pugwest mains Marth.

They are ranked the 91st best SSBWU player of all time on the PGR100, 4th on the New England Smash 4 Power Rankings, and are considered the best Marth player in the USA, according to Smash Wiki. Pugwest is the brother of Marss, and the two used to be one of the best static teams in Smash 4. Martins has defeated their brother, ANTi, Tweek and Mr. E.

Pugwest's career in competitive Smash began at TEAR in 2012 (SSBB) and took 13th place in singles. Since 2014, they have been playing SSBWU and SSB4, making notable appearances at such events as: 

• 2015: HavenSmash 2 (5th place in singles, the 1st place in doubles), March Maddening 3 (13th in singles, the 1st in doubles), Smash 4 GU Weekly 5/19 (7th in singles, the 1st place in doubles), HavenShine Weekly 8/6 (the 1st in singles, the 1st in doubles), HavenHavensmash 6 (5th in singles, the 1st in doubles), Church of Smash 9 (the 1st place), and others. 

• 2016: Genesis 3 (5th place in doubles, 129th place in singles), TGC 7 (the 1st place), NEW FISH (7th place in singles, the 2nd in doubles), GUMS 09 New England Regional (the 1st place), The Big House 6 (33rd place in singles, the 3rd place in doubles). 

• 2017: Glitch 3 (9th place), Evo 2017 (49th place), Shine 2017 (9th place in singles), The Big House 7 (the 2nd place in doubles), Invasion 20.

• 2018: Kumite In Tennessee 2018 (the 2nd place in singles, 9th in doubles), CEO 2018 Fighting Game Championships (the 1st place in doubles, 33rd place in singles).  

Since 2019, Pugwest has been playing SSBU. They competed in it at such events as: Smash Ultimate Weekly #15 (the 1st place in doubles, the 2nd place in singles), Tuesday Night Smashdown 16 (36 place in singles), Rhode Island Comic-Con 2019 Smash Ultimate Tournament (the 2nd place in singles), Tuesday Night Smashdown 27 (the 1st place in singles). 

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