Matches statistic
Matches played
43Win rate
51%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
43Win rate
51%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO5 | murasat | 2 :3 | alice (JP) | ||
BO5 | Spiral (JP) | 1 :3 | alice (JP) | ||
BO5 | alice (JP) | 3 :1 | Gackt (JP) | ||
BO5 | KEN | 3 :0 | alice (JP) |
4:26 AMBO3 | Nanchan | 2 :1 | alice (JP) | ||
4:21 AMBO3 | NeiN (JP) | 0 :2 | alice (JP) |
alice (アリス) is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player from Japan. He mains Chrom and Roy with Snake, Mii Brawler, and Zero Suit Samus as secondaries.
alice regularly competes at Maesuma SP and Sumabato SP. He also battled it out in ssbu singles and ranked 1st place at Kamisuma 3, 3rd at SWT: Japan Ultimate Online Qualifier LCQ, 33rd at KVOvsTSB 2019, and 97th in EVO Japan 2020.
alice is into dance especially shuffle and won contests in Nagoya while in Junior High School. His nickname and Twitter handle (alice_stadtfeld) show his love for Alice Stadtfeld a pivotal character from the popular anime, Code Geas.