Twitch Rivals Street Fighter 6 Legacy Showdown: A Winner Emerges

Femi Famutimi
4 min

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Twitch Rivals Street Fighter 6 Legacy Showdown: A Winner Emerges
The team tournament with 40 players ended with a win for the team composed by SonicFox

The Twitch Rivals Street Fighter 6 Legacy Showdown was the hypest team tournaments of the last week featuring 40 of the top Street Fighter players in North America and it finally came to a close with one big winner— The Multi-Game gods. The team comprised of SonicFox as team captain, Shine, Wolfgang, NuckleDu, and MenaRD. In the Grand Final, they were up against Team SF5 which was made up of some heavy hitters including iDom, Snake Eyez, JAK, Brian_F and JB

The Multi-Game team won 2-1 to clinch the tournament and win for themselves a cool $10,000. 

The Stream was hosted by Maximillian Dood and featured commentary from Ultra David, James Chen, and Mike Ross

There were eight teams in total with five players on each team.

Meet The Teams

Multi-Game gods

Team SF4

Team SF5

Team Anime

Of those eight teams, only four were featured in the final day as the other four were knocked out in the first round of games. It was a team battle with a best of three format and single elimination. This meant there were two semi-final matches and 3rd place then Grand Final.

Semi Finals and Third Place

The Semi Final matches were between Team Multi-Game and Team SF4 on one side and Team SF5 and Team Anime on the other. In the first game, Team SF4 got off to a fantastic start with 801 Strider using his Manon to clear the way through the Multi-Game team recording an impressive OCV in the process. The second game did not go according to plan,  however, as Strider lost to Wolfgang who started stacking bodies of his own till he got to Julio whose JP put and end to Wolfgang's shenanigans. The second set was so impressive as it went down to the wire with Nephew, the anchor for Team SF4 against SonicFox, the anchor for Multi-Game. The match went to the final round and even the final interaction as a well-placed back jump kick from SonicFox caught Nephew and won team Multi-Game the set. The third meeting between the two teams was more in Multi-Game's favor and they won over Team SF4 and cemented their place in the final. 

The second match was a bit more straightfoward as Team SF5 were too strong for Team Anime. While Diaphone, this time in the anchor spot, tried his best, no one was able to take the SFV team. This meant that Team SF5 went into the final without JB or Brian_F even touching a controller. 

It was more misery for Team Anime in the third place match as Team SF4 were able to also get the better of them and send them crashing out of the tournament in 4th place. 

Grand Final

The Grand Final saw all the commentators asking the same question: would we see Brian_F or JB on stream? The first game suggested that this would not be the case as the SF5 team did as they had done all through the tournament and took everyone down with Snake Eyez winning the first set against SonicFox to take game one. The second game saw Wolfgang really come into his own and defeat first JAK and then iDom before Snake Eyez got a win. However, in the very next game, NuckleDu won against Snake Eyez forcing JB to play for the very first time. JB made use of Jamie who is a character that many people don't think is very good especially with how dependent he is on his 'Drink' mechanic. JB did get to show that he was no slouch and won against NuckleDu but would lose to Shine's Kimberly. Shine also beat Brian_F who used JP to tie up the set. 

The second meeting was similar in that it seemed the Multi-Game team had finally figured SF5 guys out. This time, it was MenaRD who won against Team SF5's anchor, Brian_F to win the $10,000 for his team. 

All in all it was a fun tournament, and it is hoped that we see more team tournaments for Street Fighter 6.

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