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Smash Ultimate Event - Three Times More Fun

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Smash Ultimate Event - Three Times More Fun
Pic Source: Capcom Fighter YouTube
Fight triple spirits and get additional experience, Spirit Points, and snacks

Smash Ultimate has plenty of awesome activities - just try not to get lost in all those wonderful SSBU modes. And then, the developers add even more fun to this fighting. Players can enjoy regular special events with unique rules of fights and some excellent rewards. 

Quite recently, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate invited us to fight at the Mushroom tournament. And now, the game has a Trio Power event - with spirits that come in threes. Check out the official poster with examples of such spirits.

The event was announced by the Japanese Twitter account of Smash Bros.

Rewards for defeating such spirits are three times more Spirit Points, experience, and snacks. Of course, the best reward from this and other SSBU events is fun itself.

You can get some additional info in our guide on spirits in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Maybe, the experience of playing at such events will help you to get victories at esports tournaments, such as Get Clipped or On the Grind.

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