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Moose Wars, Monster Mash: Diamondhead Destroys Them All

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Moose Wars, Monster Mash: Diamondhead Destroys Them All
Pic Source: Ajmorr2000 on Twitch
The best NA Brawlhalla players have good practice before BCX 2022

Moose Wars is a remarkable series of Brawlhalla events. These are community tournaments, but they gather the same esports celebrities as seasonal Championships. The previous Moose Wars was in July, Jungle Invasion, and luna won it. A bit later, the series launched its MultiVersus division.

This time, the tournament got the name Monster Mash.

Moose Wars, Monster Mash | Stream, Top 8

Once again, luna demonstrated amazing power during this tourney. The Champion played mostly Diamondhead, a skin of Caspian.

The path to this victory wasn’t easy. In the Winners Final against Raydish, luna had to clutch from a 0:2 situation. 

The Grand Final score might hint at an easy victory, but in fact, the games were super close. luna defeated java on the last stock, while both had red health. It’s a fight worth watching!

Brawlhalla Legends at Moose Wars, Monster Mash



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Best Moments

luna recovers from 0:2 in the Winners Final vs Raydish and brings the match to the decisive game.

Not like this… Raydish falls into the abyss (and the Losers brackets) with white health.

“Goodbye, Mordex!” Sandstorm is out, and java proceeds to the Losers Final.

Garnet eliminates Daryl. It’s time for java to switch to Hattori.

Hattori can’t stand the power of the Crystal Gem. Raydish carves a way to the Grand Final.

A recovery from 0:2 for java.

java pushes Raydish out of the platform — and soon, out of the tournament.

Luna secures the first game in a super close fight against java.

Another close game, and Luna wins Moose Wars, Monster Mash.

The whole Brawlhalla community anticipates the World Championship 2022 — it’s an offline tournament, and we miss such events a lot. BCX 2022 happens in around two weeks.

The previous offline tourney was the Midseason Championship, but that was an invitational, so the difference is huge.

To check out the Power Rankings distribution after the last seasonal Championship, take a look at this post. It also has info on the BCX Viewership Rewards.

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