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Brawlhalla Battle Pass 8 Terminus is Here!

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Brawlhalla Battle Pass 8 Terminus is Here!
Pic Source: Brawlhalla
From a tease during the Summer Championship stream to the real thing in our game

New Season means new adventures — and it feels like Brawlhalla players are always up to this excitement. Battle Pass 8 Terminus has started in the game. It has a story behind the skins, cosmetic items, and their general style, but those skins and cosmetics are kind of more important than the story.

As other Battle Pass Seasons in Brawlhalla, this one offers quite a few tiers to reach by performing various tasks. On the basic level, you could just join the fights and randomly achieve something. To be more effective in this process, it’s better to read tasks and make an effort in that direction — such as taking specific Legends with certain weapons.

Dedicated players will not find it too difficult to reach the final, 85th tier of Terminus. It is possible to do without purchasing the Gold Track. But that’s not the point of Battle Pass. We support the game with that “subscription” and get significantly more items as rewards for our activity.

Items of this Season include:

  • 6 New Legends skins: Corrupte Blood Tezca, Terror-Watt Xull, Street Sovereign Petra, Neostreet Hattori, Live Action Orion, Termidex
  • Weapon skins, such as the Cyber Myk set
  • Darkheart Excavation Progression Podium
  • 2 new maps: Terminus and Small Terminus (for singles)
  • and many more

Skins have become a great moving power in Brawlhalla. They bring thousands of people to the official stream (yep, we love those viewership rewards). And they help the game grow in both casual (new characters) and competitive dimensions (impressive prize pools for the official Championships).

Do you like the items in Brawlhalla Battle Pass Season 8?

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