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Red Raptor and Cross-Inventory are Available in Brawlhalla

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Red Raptor and Cross-Inventory are Available in Brawlhalla
Pic Source: Brawlhalla on YouTube
The new patch is here, and it brings something really exciting

Brawlhalla keeps treating us to lots of great stuff, including esports tournaments, fresh content, and top-notch technical features.

Frankly, this game sets an impressive level for every cross-platform title. Not only can we play Brawlhalla on literally every modern device, but also, we have our items throughout all the platforms. Well, it’s actually a new feature, and it’s already available in the game.

Cross-Inventory is part of a big step for Brawlhalla that links every system to your Ubisoft account so that the players have a more unified experience. Cross-Progression is also part of this process, and it comes a bit later.

Another big thing that has happened in the world of Brawlhalla is the addition of Red Raptor. We at DashFight love when a fighting game gets a new character, and another one Battle Boots Legend feels like a very good roster expansion. Are you ready to experiment with the combination of this weapon with the Orb?

The details on the cross-inventory feature and Red Raptor were discussed in the most recent official stream. So, why not check it out?

Red Raptor, Cross-Inventory, Heatwave | Brawlhalla Dev Stream

Not everything is that cheerful on the path to cross-inventory. Specifically, PlayStation gamers should wait for the feature to be on their platform.

Also, the return of Heatwave was announced during that stream. And here are the items for it in Mallhalla:

We are waiting to experiment with Red Raptor and to see him played by top-level professionals.

For example, the previous character, Thea, was present at DreamHack Dallas — Bommie played her in Top 8.

And this certainly is not everything new coming to Brawlhalla. We already know about the next Epic Crossover event — it’s Combat Evolved, in collaboration with Halo

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