

  • Gonzalo Raul Barrios Castro
  • Chile

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Playing : 11+
Birthday : Apr 17, 1995 (29)
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Matches statistic

Matches played


Win rate


Current streak (Old → New)


Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.

Win rate


ZeRo's character usage stats

Diddy Kong
CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Cloud50 %4
Diddy Kong75 %4

Opponents’ character usage stats

Peach / Daisy
CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Peach / Daisy40 %5
Pikachu100 %3

ZeRo's matchups




Gonzalo "ZeRo" Barrios is a former Chilean Super Smash Bros player considered to be the best Diddy Kong and Lucina player in the world in the course of his career and the best Super Smash Bros 4 player of all time. 

Due to his professional achievements in multiple Super Smash Bros games, ZeRo is considered to be one of the best Super Smash Bros players of all time, an outcome of his methodological and theoretical, and adaptive playstyle. 

ZeRo mained Cloud with Diddy Kong, Wolf, Mario secondaries in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and participated in tournaments like Super Smash Bros Invitational 2018, Smash Conference United, and Smash Ultimate Summit before retiring from competitive Smash to focus on creating content for SSBU on Twitch. 

ZeRo lost the sponsorship of Tempo Storm, was cut off Facebook Gaming and was banned permanently on Twitch after allegations of sexual misconduct were levelled against him, which he publicly accepted and has since tried to move on from the Smash community.