Matches statistic
Matches played
19Win rate
50%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
19Win rate
50%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO5 | Big Bird | 3 :0 | GTR | ||
BO5 | GTR | 3 :1 | Fandroid | ||
BO5 | GTR | 3 :2 | Bashar10 | ||
BO5 | Big Bird | 3 :2 | GTR |
3:30 PMBO5 | GTR | 1 :3 | Big Bird | ||
3:00 PMBO5 | AngryBird | 3 :1 | GTR | ||
1:20 PMBO5 | Big Bird | 2 :3 | GTR |
1:00 PMBO3 | GTR | 0 :2 | Hamodeh_SF |
Rashid "GTR" Alawadi is a Street Fighter player from the United Arab Emirates.
GTR won the NASR eSports SFV Community Cup. He has also competed in SFV singles at Uprizing | Battle of AR-YOO-GIT, Capcom Pro Tour Online 2019 & 2020, Celtic Throwdown 2019, Sonic Boom VI, and VSFighting 2019.
GTR is a fan of Anime, Cars, Tech, and Music. Follow him on Twitter!