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  • Hunter Gallagher
  • USA

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Hunter Gallagher "Draxsel" is American Super Smash Bros player. He mains Wario and Palutena with Captain Falcon, (his smash 4 main) and Terry in SBBU.

Ranked 5th on both the Upstate New York Power Rankings and New York Ultimate Power Rankings, Draxsel has teamed up with Noe3, GnG, and K.I.D.Googles to play Smash Ultimate doubles events.

Draxsel has an overall set count of 68% and is a regular at AGN/STR Ultimatum. He has also competed in ssbu singles and ranked 2nd at Sweet Dreams, 5th at Cusetown Beatdown at RGC 2019 and 129th at Let's Make Big Moves & The Big House 9.

Check Draxsel out on Twitch and Twitter.



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