Matches statistic
Matches played
25Win rate
37%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
25Win rate
37%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO5 | Delta/Djessir | 3 :0 | Sarme/Fozey | ||
BO5 | Urbador/Spyrox | 0 :3 | Delta/Djessir | ||
BO5 | acno?/Blaze | 3 :0 | Delta/Djessir |
BO5 | Flamethrower | 3 :1 | Delta |
Hazer_Delta is a French Brawlhalla player who is known for competing in Europe - Winter Championship 2022 tournament and ranking 5th place out of 873 entrants in the Brawlhalla singles event.
Hazer_Delta has also participated in other Brawlhalla events with notable success such as Brawlhalla French League June & July (1st place), Our Style Brawlball: 2021 Tournaments (5th place), Europe - Brawlhalla World Championship 2021 Last Chance Qualifier (1st place), Europe - Autumn Championship 2021, and Europe - Summer Championship 2021 (5th place).