Matches statistic
Matches played
13Win rate
46%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
13Win rate
46%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO3 | AndyenigmaCR | 1 :2 | Vicaron | ||
BO3 | AndyenigmaCR | 2 :1 | SH-RASEC | ||
BO5 | Sr. Aguilera (ElTigre) | 0 :3 | AndyenigmaCR | ||
BO5 | DoomSnake | 2 :3 | AndyenigmaCR | ||
BO5 | SolVNG | 2 :3 | AndyenigmaCR | ||
BO5 | Vicaron | 3 :2 | AndyenigmaCR |
11:50 PMBO5 | AndyenigmaCR | 0 :3 | Uriel Velorio | ||
11:15 PMBO1 | AndyenigmaCR | DQ : | MJ_Gama |
10:15 PMBO3 | Kusanagi | 1 :2 | AndyenigmaCR |
9:19 AMBO1 | Brega | 1 :0 | AndyenigmaCR |
Andy “AndyenigmaCR” Rivas is a Spanish fighting games player from San Jose, Costa Rica. He is known for participating in the Capcom Pro Tour online 2020 Central America 1 where he ranked 129th place out of 181 entrants in the Street Fighter V event. With a set win rate of 0%, he was disqualified from both his Pool 5 matches against fellow participants Zaphyron and Michzadood in the losers first round and winners second round, respectively.