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  • Christopher Sarutto
  • USA

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Christopher Sarutto "Aceto" is an American Super Smash Bros player from New York. He mains Inkling, Greninja, Mario, and Meta Knight (his smash 4 main) SSBU but also plays Incineroar, Ritcher, and Simon.

Ranked 5th on both the Staten Island Power Rankings and Staten Island Ultimate Power Rankings, Aceto has an overall set count of 62% and has stolen sets from notable players like AceAttorney, Gen, and Goblin among others.

Aceto is a regular at events likeSmash Island and Xeno. He has also competed in ssbu singles and ranked 17th at Xenosaga XXVIII, 33rd at Let's Make Moves, 49th at Scarlet Classic V, 129th at Let's Make Big Moves, and 257th at Super Smash Con 2019.

Aceto also plays Fall Guys. Check out his Twitter here.

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