MK1 Community Gathered List with Quality-of-Life Suggestions

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MK1 Community Gathered List with Quality-of-Life Suggestions
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Players hope developers will read this feedback

It is always great when game developers and the game community have a healthy conversation to improve the product they are both invested in. The release of Mortal Kombat 1 wasn't flawless: for example, there was a critical bug that gave an advantage to Player One over Player Two. Luckily, it was fixed quickly.

While there are some quality-of-life improvements desired by the community, USSCrazybat, together with other members, gathered everything in one place so it would be easier to work on them.

Among the suggested improvements are the following:

  • Ability to access purchased content inventory when offline
  • Intro dialogues before Klassic Towers and Ranked Matches
  • Ability to skip character outros
  • Increased speed of camera rotation in Invasions
  • Disable HUD option in Training

The whole list is big and not limited to these suggestions. We'll have to wait to see if the Mortal Kombat team will  realise these ideas.

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