Learn Movements in Episode 3 of Anakin’s Tekken Academy

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Learn Movements in Episode 3 of Anakin’s Tekken Academy
Red Bull
Beginners in the game should learn how to move, starting with the basic techniques

Another episode of the very helpful video series is out now, for all the newcomers to Tekken 7. Anakin, a well-known esports professional, talks about various tricks in the game and explains how beginners can make their way to the Tekken mastery quicker and more exciting.

In Episode 1 of Anakin’s Tekken Academy, the Tekken pro talks about the controls. Episode 2 gives us the feeling of an actual Tekken match. The topic of Episode 3 is Movements in Tekken 7.

Anakin recommends moving a lot on the playing ground to effectively avoid damage and find the best positions for your attacks (you can see such style on Tekken 7 tournaments). At the same time, he advises beginners to not start with the advanced techniques but delve into the basics first.

In the video, you can learn interesting stuff on:

  • Backdash and Forward Dash 
  • Side Stepping and Side Walking

After these four basic movements, the pro player talks about combining movements with attacks and blocks. We at DashFight recommend watching the video and taking Anakin’s advice to your game.

Watch Episode 3 of Class in Session: Anakin’s Tekken Academy on Red Bull TV

At the end of the video, the guy recommends to not try to remember all the info in one go. Do this gradually, turn one small part of the theory into the practical skill and then move forward.

You also may be interested in our written guide for beginners, How to Play Tekken 7 - it’s a very good way to revive some small (and big) details.

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