Ketchup Teaches You How to Play Mortal Kombat 1's Rain Like a Pro

Sebastian Quintanilla
2 min

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Ketchup Teaches You How to Play Mortal Kombat 1's Rain Like a Pro
The legendary commentator Ketchup is here to impart all his knowledge about one of the core zoning characters in Mortal Kombat 1, Rain.

Rain returns for Mortal Kombat 1, and he is as zoning as ever with a number of projectiles and specials that all aim to provide him with a strong sense of control over the larger areas of the stage. That is not to say he can't be a threat from a close distance, as combos and extensions, particularly with the help of Kameos, are options Rain is more than happy to take.

To help us navigate the rocky waters of mastering Rain, we've enlisted the help of legendary commentator and NRS expert Ryan "Ketchup" Neal to give you all the know-how on Rain.

Rain's Gameplay Basics

Best Buttons & Strings

  • D1: Good range at 7F.
  • D3: Great range at 9F.
  • B2: It allows you to cancel into DB1.
  • F3: Slow, but it's a great overhead. You can also cancel it at the start by using a throw, allowing you to trick opponents.
    • F3,2: will launch on hit.
  • F2: Great mid, can punish opponents mashing.
    • F2,1: If it's a hit, you can DB1 and turn it into a full combo.
  • S1,1: Great way to start. It can be hit confirmed into its full string or canceled into specials.
    • S1,1,4: Great for setting up and staying safe.
  • S2,1,1,2: Great mid-screen string.
  • J.3,2: It almost functions as an option select. If the J.3,2 hits, you get a free setup at long range. On block, it naturally goes into a S2 and its string.


  • DB1: Generally, you want to stick to its amplified version, as it launches opponents up and opens the door for combos.
  • DB3: Good at keeping opponents away. Amplified it becomes your armored reversal.
  • BF4: Can be targeted close, mid, or far. Keep in mind it is slow, so a Kameo assist is recommended.
  • DDU: Can be targeted close, mid, or far. Keep in mind it is slow, so a Kameo assist is recommended.
  • BF1: Projectile that you can charge for a stun.
  • DB2: By creating portals and then going through them with DF2, you can create tricky situations for opponents, escape risky pressure follow-ups, and more.

Best Kameos for Rain

Rain's Bread & Butter Combos

  • S1,1, DB1(AMP), J.2,4,3, F2, DB3
  • F2,1, DB1(AMP), J.2,4,3, S2, DB3
  • S1,1, DB1(AMP), J.2,4,3, F2, DB2, F2,1, DB2, DF2 (escape)
  • F3,2, J.2,4,3, F2, DB2
  • B2, DB1(AMP), J.2,4,3, DB3

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