Dragon Suggests Changes to MK1

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Dragon Suggests Changes to MK1
A look into the game's future

The initial release of a fighting game is a basis for further growth and many improvements. Mortal Kombat 1 has already got its first pretty big update — and many more changes are obviously coming next.

Dragon is a well-known pro player, with an impressive experience in NRS titles. In one of his recent tweets, he shares some interesting suggestions on how MK1 should develop in the future.

In general, it’s a very good idea (even without delving into details). What do you think, guys? Should fighting games developers invite pro players to the patching/updating process?

Dragon is quite precise with his suggestions. He thinks there should be nerfs for (at least) five characters and one kameos. The list of buffs is bigger (and yeah, we love buffs).

At the recent MK1 online event, IKFK NA Week 6, Dragon played Ashrah/Sareena. Both are in the section of nerfs.

The tweet also mentions that Dragon and SonicFox agreed with the idea of making kameo fighters stronger.

Will NRS guys listen to these suggestions? Who knows… Anyway, it’s a good basis for discussion in the community.

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