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Tekken 8

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Alisa Bosconovitch
Tekken 8
Tekken 8

Alisa Bosconovitch

The Destroying Automaton. Alisa is a great example of how looks can be deceiving. Ask anyone, and they will think she's just a cute and well-mannered girl. While that's not false, this appearance disguises the fact that she's a deadly robot fitted out with explosives, chainsaws and rocket boosters.Know more

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Character abilities

  • Evasiveness: 6

  • Combo Damage: 6

  • Mobility: 8

  • Wall Carry: 6

  • Throw Game: 5

  • Difficulty: 4


Info will be here soon. Stay tuned.



Alisa's origin story is more tragic than some might expect. Her gentle appearance concealed the real purpose, a fighting machine meant to do nothing more than to protect and obey Jin. Her master exploited this by overriding her orders and forcing her to attack one man who was near and dear to her mechanical heart – Lars Alexandersson.

Instead of destroying her in battle, Lars and his allies managed to restore protect Alisa from the malicious orders and got her back to normal with a full reboot. Despite regaining control over her actions, she still felt like something is wrong with her, because whenever Lars was close, Alisa would often lose her composure.

After asking Dr. Bosconovitch to fix her malfunctions, it was revealed that nothing is wrong. She's completely fine. Not only that, but after the reboot, she became totally free, master of her own destiny.

Now that she free to act of her own free will, Alisa forges her path forward, choosing to do it alongside Lars and her other allies.


For the vast majority of it, anyone who interacts with Alisa will leave with an impression that she's incredibly sweet and caring. A kind soul who uses her power to protect others and to aid those she loves. Whenever Lars is around, she's practically melting from her overflowing feelings that she's unfamiliar with and doesn't know how to handle. However, once the fight is on, it's on. On a dime, Alisa can go from a cute robot to a machine of destruction, and you don't want to be on the blunt end of her rocket punch.


Alisa's excellent mobility makes her uniquely good at controlling the space. Where other characters would be forced to try and safely approach, Alisa can simply fly in while unleashing attacks. In her normal state, she's a capable well rounder that is comfortable with poking away at her opponents, but when destroy mode is activated, she can become an offensive powerhouse, with a range of potent attacks that can mix people up or make them scared of pressing buttons.

Fighting Style

Thruster-Based High-Mobility Fighting Style, quite a mouthful, huh? That's right, Alisa's fighting style is largely defined by two things. Her thrusters, which she uses to stay extremely agile and augment the speed of her attacks, and her being a robot, which allows for the range of motion that a human would never be capable of. And average Alisa fight will see a lot of flying around, spine-breaking spins, and explosive motions as she engages her thrusters. However, the double chainsaws are her real ace in the hole, when she activates destroy mode, nothing is safe.

Key Information:

  • Origin: Russia
  • Age: Unknown
  • Weight: 60 kg
  • Height: 165 cm
  • Likes: Her friends
  • Dislikes: Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation
  • Fighting Style: Thruster-Based High-Mobility Fighting Style
  • Debut: Tekken 6
  • Availability: Base roster


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