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Street Fighter 5 Rankings

Player Rankings based on tournament performance and participationHow we rank players

DashFight SFV Rankings Methodology

DashFight prides itself in tracking the victories and defeats of professional players in the Fighting Games Community. Using all that data we made street fighter 5 world rankings based on player's tournament participation and placements at a regional and global level. The placements in DashFight Rankings are based on the number of tournaments the player has participated in and their positioning.

As aforementioned, we have regional rankings to sort players by their region and global rankings to see who is the most competitive SF5 player in the world. The rankings are sorted by year and we currently don't have a global leaderboard through all years. DashFight has currently ranked 2021 and 2022 which is going to be updated every time a new tournament is being added. Also, DF Rankings show only TOP 100 SF5 players at the moment, but we will improve that with the general rankings logic.

DF ranking points

When developing this ranking system DashFight was inspired by the traditional sports approach and tried to adapt it for fighting games. We thought of the simplest system to put our rankings behind, which is going to award players with points based on:

  • Tournament Tier the players have participated in.
  • Placements in the given tournament. 

To define tournament tiers, we look into their format, type, region representation, number of participants, prize pool and prestige. Usually, tiers can be adjusted by comparing other events through the year and the discipline's overall competitiveness.

Tiers we have now:

  • Tier 1 — Global
  • Tier 1 — Regional
  • Tier 1 — National
  • Tier 2 — Global
  • Tier 2 — Regional
  • Tier 2 — National
  • Local / Community

After we assign a tier to the tournament and record its results with standings, we start assigning points. However, the points are adjusted by the tournament tier, therefore the higher tier of the tournament player has participated the more points they can get from it. You can see the point distribution system in the table below:

1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place 5-6 place 7-8 place 9-16 place 16-32 place 32-64 place 64-128 place
Tier 1. Global 2000 1300 780 600 430 340 240 130 70 10
Tier 1. Regional 1500 974 583 448 320 254 179 97 52 7
Tier 1. National 1000 649 389 299 214 170 120 56 35 5
Tier 2. Global 600 390 234 180 129 102 72 39 21 3
Tier 2. Regional 500 325 195 150 107 85 60 32 17 2
Tier 2. National 400 260 156 120 86 68 48 26 14 2
Local / Community 200 130 78 60 43 34 24 13 7 1

So, all players that have participated in Tier 1. Global event and took 16-32 places will be awarded 240 DF points each. 

Updating and Maintaining

We are updating our events and players' profiles every day. Each time a new event is added and a tier is being assigned, the DF points will be recalculated and refreshed. There might be inaccuracies due to the lack of tournaments or some imperfections of our simple logic, but we will continue our work on street fighter 5 rankings and make them perfect soon.

This is the release version of DF Rankings, so while we’re going to improve our rankings over time and consider the data needed for more accurate estimation, the core concept of the Rankings will not change.