Matches statistic
Matches played
131Win rate
65%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
131Win rate
65%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Lukas Hofbauer "Yetey" is a Super Smash Bros player from Austria who represents plan-B esports. He plays volleyball and is a fan of the sports anime/manga series - Haikyuu.
Ranked 3rd on the Austria Smash 4 Power Rankings and 25th on the European Smash Rankings, Yetey mains Pichu in Smash Ultimate and Lucario in Smash 4. He is a regular participant at events like Smash @ Respawn.
He competed in ssbu singles and ranked 7th at DreamHack Leipzig 2020, 9th at VCA Vienna Challengers Arena 2019, 13th at Ultimate Fighting Arena 2019, 17th at Valhalla III, 25th at DoKomi 2019 & ICARUS V, 33rd at Syndicate 2019, and 49th at Albion 4.
Yetey ranked 193rd in singles at Glitch 8 - Missingno with a 50% set win rate after losing matches against Zoo in the Winners Semi-Final and PreCookedBread in Losers Semi-Final of Pool E15. He also ranked 5th in doubles with Canaddian smasher Blacktwins13 as his teammate.
Check out Yetey's Twitter here.