Matches statistic
Matches played
12Win rate
63%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
12Win rate
63%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
6:00 AMBO3 | Yanai | 1 :2 | SNB/eita | ||
5:40 AMBO3 | Higuchi | 1 :2 | Yanai | ||
5:20 AMBO3 | Yanai | 2 :0 | Raycle | ||
5:00 AMBO3 | Yanai | 2 :0 | Gunfight | ||
4:00 AMBO3 | SENKOU | 2 :1 | Yanai | ||
3:41 AMBO3 | Jimmy1 | 0 :2 | Yanai | ||
3:20 AMBO3 | Yanai | 2 :0 | kkaWang |
3:12 AMBO3 | Poongko | 2 :1 | Yanai | ||
3:11 AMBO3 | Okamo | 1 :2 | Yanai |
A Street Fighter V player from Japan, "Yanai" is a G main. He is currently ranked 25th in the EVO JAPAN 2020 Rankings. Yanai can turn the tide of any battle with G's pesky V trigger activations, he is a player not to be taken lightly.
At Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020 East Asia 1, Yanai placed 65th in with a 50% set win rate after losing matches against pugera and mishie-oishi2.
Check out Yanai's Twitch channel and keep up with DashFight to learn of his future exploits!