Matches statistic
Matches played
42Win rate
74%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
42Win rate
74%Current streak (Old → New)
BO3 | ScrawtVermillion | 2 :0 | Safe |
BO5 | ScrawtVermillion | 1 :3 | Kikoho |
BO3 | ScrawtVermillion | 2 :0 | plat iX |
BO5 | ScrawtVermillion | 3 :1 | Erin | ||
BO5 | ScrawtVermillion | 3 :0 | Kikoho |
BO5 | ScrawtVermillion | 3 :1 | Kikoho | ||
BO5 | Kikoho | 0 :3 | ScrawtVermillion | ||
BO5 | ScrawtVermillion | 3 :0 | Fusshy | ||
BO3 | ScrawtVermillion | 2 :0 | hardly |
Jose "ScrawtVermillion" Ballestero is an American fighting games player known for competing in titles like DragonBall FighterZ, Under Night In-Birth Exe, Melty Blood: Actress Again & Type Lumina, Granblue Fantasy: Versus, Guilty gear Xrd, and the BlazBlue series.
Scrawt has also participated in tournaments such as AnimEVO 2019, CEOtaku 2019, [elegant summer concerto]: NA East, EVO 2019, Final Round 2019, Frosty Faustings XII 2020 (1st in Melty Blood AA & 3rd in DBFZ),
Follow ScrawtVermillion on Twitch where he also streams Final Fantasy XIV Online.