This fighting esports event is originally aimed at anime games (even if such new and super popular titles as MK1 get quite a lot of attention). And what is Melty Blood: Type Lumina if not an anime fighter?
In this post on DashFight, we want to highlight the MBTL tournament at CEOtaku VII, because… well, because we love the game, and it deserves love from the community.
In addition to the general excitement,this event was an official Qualifier for PSA Circuit 2 (a MBTL league by Panic Shield Anonymous).
ScrawtVermillion keeps being loyal to his main, Kouma Kishima, through many tournaments, from Evo 2023 to CEOtaku VII. And the character pays back decently.
In the Semi-Final, ScrawtVermillion defeated StarXunderscore. And then, in the Winners Final, we witnessed a fight of ScrawtVermillion vs JurassicOri, Kouma vs Hisui. This was a pretty close match, but JurassicOri fell to Losers — to have a clear victory over DatBoyUchiha and still proceed to the Grand Final.
MBTL Esports | CEOtaku VII | Stream, Grand Final
This was kind of a reflection of the Winners Final, with the same participants and characters, but the match was so much different. Is this because the mastery with one character by ScrawtVermillion? The player won all the games.
ScrawtVermillion is the MBTL Champion at CEOtaku VII. Congratulations!
What about even more competitive Melty Blood? There was a tournament in Europe around the same time as CEOtaku — check out our post about MBTL at viennality 2k23 here.
The next big event for this game is East Coast Throwdown 2023 on October 20-22, which is also a Qualifier for PSA Circuit 2.
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