Matches statistic
Matches played
21Win rate
49%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
21Win rate
49%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Win rate
Most played vs:
Best vs:
Worst vs:
Most played vs:
Best vs:
Worst vs:
Matches played
21Win rate
49%Current streak (Old → New)
8:10 PMBO5 | SRyu PainFZ | 0 :3 | |||
7:25 PMBO5 | Konqueror249 | 3 :2 | |||
6:00 PMBO5 | SRyu PainFZ | 3 :0 |
SRyu PainFZ is a fighting game player from Mexico. He plays NetherRealm Studios titles such as Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat.
He competed at tournaments such as:
SRyu PainFZ also won 2nd place in MK 11 singles at Game Over Online with a 75% set win rate after being defeated in 2 out of 3 matches against iScorpion.
Check out his Twitch channel where he also streams games like Dead by Daylight and Fortnite.