Matches statistic
Matches played
15Win rate
45%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
15Win rate
45%Current streak (Old → New)
1:40 AMBO3 | Seagull Joe/Horchata | Mata-Door | 2 :0 | ZD/Porkaye | ||
12:50 AMBO3 | player 4/Fang | 1 :2 | ZD/Porkaye | ||
12:45 AMBO3 | ZD/Porkaye | 2 :0 | Krabs/Conch | ||
12:35 AMBO3 | Blacktwins13/Yetey | 2 :0 | ZD/Porkaye | ||
12:20 AMBO3 | ZD/Porkaye | 2 :0 | King Kyra/Darex | ||
12:00 AMBO3 | Seagull Joe/Horchata | Mata-Door | 2 :0 | ZD/Porkaye | ||
12:00 AMBO3 | Seagull Joe/Horchata | Mata-Door | 2 :0 | ZD/Porkaye |
Porkaye is a Smash Bros. player from Towson, Maryland, United States.
They competed in Fight Pitt 8, Let's Make Moves, Glitch 6-8, Genesis 6, Scarlet Classic V, Shine 2019 and CEO Dreamland 2020. They also regularly compete in tournaments like The Grind Fridays and Xanadu.
You can find Porkaye on Twitter.