Matches statistic
Matches played
9Win rate
50%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
9Win rate
50%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
3:45 PMBO5 | Frozze | 3 :1 | OzN |
BO3 | MaskeyyDaBeast | 0 :2 | OzN | ||
BO3 | Linkexelo | 0 :2 | OzN |
4:45 PMBO3 | OzN | 0 :2 | Kilzyou |
12:20 PMBO3 | Escudo | 2 :0 | OzN | ||
12:00 PMBO1 | XusesGB | DQ : | OzN | ||
11:40 AMBO1 | OzN | :DQ | Orochimario | ||
11:20 AMBO3 | Problem-X | 2 :0 | OzN | ||
11:00 AMBO3 | KinneasRed | 0 :2 | OzN |
OzN is a Street Fighter V player from France.
He won 1st place at SudEst SFV 2020. He also competed at Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020 Europe West 1, ranking 65th out 220 entrants with a 60% set win rate.
OzN is a huge fan of the anime/manga series Fist of North Star and Jojo's Bizarre Adventures. Follow him on Twitter!