Matches statistic
Matches played
27Win rate
55%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
27Win rate
55%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO3 | ShinyMark | 2 :0 | Mr.Zercon | ||
BO3 | Kabi (US) | DQ : | Mr.Zercon | ||
BO3 | ESAM | 2 :0 | Mr.Zercon |
10:10 PMBO3 | enhancedpv | 2 :1 | Mr.Zercon | ||
9:35 PMBO3 | Jerm | 0 :2 | Mr.Zercon | ||
9:19 PMBO3 | Mr.Zercon | 2 :1 | NDarkFox | ||
9:17 PMBO3 | Mr.Zercon | 2 :0 | Yuri Kenshi | ||
9:08 PMBO3 | Shyguy | 2 :0 | Mr.Zercon | ||
9:05 PMBO3 | NDarkFox | 0 :2 | Mr.Zercon | ||
9:01 PMBO3 | Mr.Zercon | 2 :0 | KingCrump |
Timothy "Mr.Zercon" Little is an American Super Smash Bros player from Caldwell who represents Revenant Esports. He mains Isabelle main with Inkling as secondary.
He has competed in tourneys like Battle For The East, Beyond the Spectrum, Collision Online 2021, Frame Perfect Series 4: ONLINE, Galaxy Gambit x Collision 4, Glitch 8, Let's Make Big Moves 2020, Scarlet Classic V, Smash the Router 4, Super Galaxy Gambit x Collision - PAS Qualifier, Super Smash Con 2019, The Online Olympus II, and Tri-state Showdown: Fall 2019.
Follow Mr.Zercon on Twitch.