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  • Kobe Murray
  • USA

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Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.

Win rate


Kobe's character usage stats

CharacterWin rateTotal usage

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Kobe's matchups


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Kobe "Kobe" Murray is an American Young Link main in Super Smash Bros Ultimate player. He is known for participating in the Smash Conference United tournament and ranked 13th place out of 361 entrants in the SSBU singles event.

Considered one of the best Young Link players in the world, Kobe has also competed in tournaments like CEO 2016 and 2018-2019, Battle on the Strip, Overlords of Orlando, Gainesville Stock Exchange 100 where they took 1st place, GatorLAN Spring 2020, Ronin Rumble Cup - June 2021 (9th), Tampa Never Sleeps 8, Dare 2 Dair, Frostbite 2020, and CEO Dreamland 2020.

Follow Kobe on Twitter.

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