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Denny (US)

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Denaius Thompson, otherwise known as "Denny," is a Super Smash Bros. player from the United States who mains Dark Samus and Sheik in Ultimate. He has competed in the following tournaments:
  • 2021: Gulf Coast Throwdown #1 (2nd in SSBU & 7th in T7), InfinityCON Tally 2021 (7th), Ronin Rumble Cup - June 2021 (7th), Smash Throne Presents: The Coliseum (1st), Smash Throne Singles #7 (1st).
  • 2020: Florida Arcadian 2020 (1st), Knights Smash Cup, Pound Online, Smash Throne Anniversary (1st).
  • 2019: The Florida State Invitational.

Denny is huge fan of role playing games like Fire Emblem and Xenoblade. Follow him on Twitch.