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  • Felipe Arriaga
  • USA

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Birthday : Aug 22, 1996 (27)
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Felipe Arriaga or "Ketchup" is an American Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Ultimate, and Wii U. A member of team THC, he mains Bowser Jnr. with King K. Rool as secondary in ssbu and has defeated players like Cyro and Charliedaking.

Kechup has competed in SSBU singles at several tournaments and has taken 5th place at Get in the Game! 2020, 7th at 2GG: Breakthrough 2019, 13th at Ascension VIII, 17th at 2GG: SoCal Chronicles, and 17th at Ultimate Nimbus. He also ranked 17th at DreamHack Anaheim 2020 after losing to SweetT.

Check out the 2GG YouTube channel for VODs.


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