Matches statistic
Matches played
21Win rate
58%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
21Win rate
58%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Most played vs:
Wii Fit TrainerWins-losses:
Best vs:
Wii Fit TrainerWins-losses:
Worst vs:
Wii Fit TrainerWins-losses:
Most played vs:
Wii Fit TrainerWins-losses:
Best vs:
Wii Fit TrainerWins-losses:
Worst vs:
Wii Fit TrainerWins-losses:
Bernabé "GOHAN" Mora is a Smash Bros. player from Watsonville, California, United States. They're one of the best players in their state and have a grasp over a large chunk of the Ultimate's roster, in particular their mains, Snake and Joker.
They competed in Norcal S4 Arcadian, Super Splat Bros, Esports Arena Smash Ultimate Tournament, 2GG: Breakthrough 2019, and Genesis 7 as well as a multitude of smaller-scale tournaments.
You can find GOHAN on Twitch.