Matches statistic
Matches played
21Win rate
51%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
21Win rate
51%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO5 | ChrisCCH | 3 :0 | Flaquito |
BO3 | Flaquito | 2 :1 | hylex | ||
BO3 | Flaquito | 0 :2 | Mortsy |
2:00 AMBO5 | Flaquito | 1 :3 | ChrisCCH | ||
1:15 AMBO5 | Flaquito | 3 :1 | Luigi | ||
12:20 AMBO5 | Samurai | 3 :1 | Flaquito |
BO3 | ChrisCCH | 0 :2 | Flaquito |
10:00 PMBO3 | Flaquito | 0 :2 | Punk | ||
9:40 PMBO3 | Flaquito | 2 :0 | Stupendous | ||
9:00 PMBO3 | Flaquito | 0 :2 | Mataoja |
Eric "Flaquito" Malagon is a North American fighting games player and competitor. His first major tournament to attend was EVO 2017, where he displayed in Street Fighter V and Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 tournaments. Then he made an entrance on the same tourneys on EVO the year after in 2018, then at EVO 2019 he participated as Street Fighter V, UNICLR, and Samurai Shodown player. At DreamHack Anaheim 2020 he became 3rd in Street Fighter V tournament, where he lost to HamBam in the Losers Final.