Matches statistic
Matches played
38Win rate
48%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
38Win rate
48%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Win rate
Character | Win rate | Total usage |
Character | Win rate | Total usage |
10:30 PMBO3 | John Numbers | 2 :1 | DKwill | ||
10:10 PMBO3 | DKwill | 2 :0 | SciFire | ||
9:30 PMBO3 | DKwill | 2 :1 | Lunner (Lunar) | ||
9:10 PMBO3 | White Girl 6 9 | 2 :0 | DKwill | ||
9:09 PMBO3 | DKwill | 2 :0 | Gilthbrim | ||
9:06 PMBO3 | DKwill | 2 :0 | playGround |
10:45 AMBO3 | Nincada | 1 :0 | DKwill | ||
10:30 AMBO3 | DKwill | 0 :1 | Kidd |
William "DKwill" Walsh is an American Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Ultimate, and Wii U player and tutor. He is known for his relationship with fellow smasher Ms.Saiyan with whom he sometimes teams up for doubles matches.
He mains Donkey Kong in all three games but also mains Sheik in Melee and Project M. DKwill is a regular at AON Smash Ultimate. However, he was disqualified from Genesis 6 and Let's Make Big Moves.
He also competed in ssbu singles and placed 17th at Get On My Line 2020, 25th at Tri-State Showdown: Fall 2019, 65th at Glitch 8 - Missingno, 129th at 2GG: Kongo Saga, and 193rd at Super Smash Con.
Check out DKwill's Twitch stream here.