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  • Brian Navarro
  • Olympus eSports
  • USA

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Matches statistic

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Current streak (Old → New)


Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.

Win rate


Benny&TheJets's character usage stats

CharacterWin rateTotal usage

Opponents’ character usage stats

CharacterWin rateTotal usage

Benny&TheJets's matchups




Brian Navarro, also known as "Benny&TheJets," is an American Super Smash Bros player from South Carolina who plays for Olympus eSports. He mains R.O.B. in both Smash Ultimate and Smash Wii U but uses Joker as secondary in SSBU.

Ranked 16th on the Wi-Fi Warrior Rank v2 and 30th on 16th on the Ultimate Wi-Fi Warrior Rank v5 rankings, Benny&TheJets has an overall set count of 77% and has defeated smashers like ScAtt and Raito.

At Cosmos' online tournament, The Cosmic Kerfuffle, he took 5th place after losing to top players Riddles and BestNess.

Benny competed in ssbu singles and ranked13th at 2GG: Nightmare on Smashville, 25th at DreamHack Atlanta 2019, 33rd at CEO Dreamland 2020, 49th at Glitch 7 - Minus World, 65th at Let's Make Big Moves, and 97th at Super Smash Con 2019.

Benny&TheJets has also partnered up with smashers like Prospect, Dingo, and Kobe to play ssbu doubles. He is also a notable Naifu - a subscriber to Nairo's Twitch.

Follow Benny&TheJets on Twitch.