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Street Fighter Movie Coming In 2026

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Street Fighter Movie Coming In 2026
After much difficulty, we finally have a release year for the next Street Fighter live action movie

Street Fighter 6 has captured the imagination of fans around the world and is easily one of the most popular games on the globe at the moment. With such acclaim, it is only natural that fans start to ask about the possibility of a live-action movie. 

Now, according to a report on Variety, the Street Fighter live-action movie will be coming out in 2026, on the 20th of March to be exact. 

The Street Fighter movie has already gone through some turbulence, losing Danny and Michael Philippou, the directors of the movie and having to course correct. 

The movie will be made by Legendary, in conjunction with Capcom. 

Street Fighter has a 1994 movie starring Van Damme, Raul Julia, and Ming Na Wen. There was another movie, Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li, but that movie was critically panned and didn't do well in the box office. Meanwhile, it was reported recently that the 1994 Street Fighter movie is still making millions of yen for Capcom. 

There is hope that with much time passed, a better understanding of the film and media landscape will make for a much better Street Fighter movie. 

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