R1p's Arena Bans Sindel Tech Mid-tournament

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R1p's Arena Bans Sindel Tech Mid-tournament
Fastest banhammer in the west?

Fighting games are full of cheap stuff, broken setups, overturned characters, and all the other things that we both love and hate, but where do we draw the line on what's too far?

The organizers behind R1p's Arena had to answer this difficult questions in one of their recent tournaments, after Sindel player Val pulled off a crazy reset sequence that is just a few mean words and a kick to the shin away from being a touch of death.

This is undeniably an absurd sequence, it's not hard to see why TOs would immediately concern, but does it warrant a mid-tournament ban? This is clearly something that NRS would patch as soon as they could once aware of it, so I can't blame TOs for being so hasty about it, but it does sort of go against what FGC is used to.

We always tend to wait and see if there's some counter, some counter-tech. We check if things are actually broken and bugged, or it's just an example of a player doing something exceptional within the game's boundaries. This is why many people, including Keits, one of the legends behind Killer Instinct, suggested that the ban should've gone up after the tournament is done, not in the middle of it.

But how do you personally feel about this?

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