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Online WarriorZ #20: The First DBFZ Rollback Tournament

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Online WarriorZ #20: The First DBFZ Rollback Tournament
Pic Source: Tyrant_UK on Twitch
We already can see EU and NA players competing online

The Dragon Ball FighterZ community is pretty hyped about rollback netcode — even if it’s only the beta testing. Pro players are fascinated by the opportunity of cross-region online matches, and this idea was successfully taken to proper esports testing.

On November 30 (actually, the first day of beta), Tyrant organized a special Online WarriorZ event, with participants from all the regions. There were 86 attendees, mainly from North America and Europe but also from UAE and Pakistan.

Let’s take a look at the stream and results. What characters were present on this esports show?

DBFZ Esports | Online WarriorZ #20

WADE, the winner of TGU 2023, and Hikari, the DBFZ Evo 2023 Champion, had their first fight in the Winners Final. Not only was this match impressive by the level of participants, but it also was an online connection between NA East and EU. The rollback addition makes the dream come true.

WADE won that match, but Hikari defeated plug in the Losers Final and returned to that fight in the Grand Final.

Hikari managed to reset the brackets — maybe the return to Blue Fusions played its role (Yasha proved Blue Gogeta and Vegtio are strong even in the current build). Still, WADE eventually was slightly stronger in the decisive game and won Online WarriorZ #20.

DBFZ Rollback | Online WarriorZ #20, Results

1. WADE Kefla, Hit, Android 18
2. Hikari Jiren, Android 17, Adult Gohan
Blue Gogeta, Vegito, Android 17
3. plug Blue Goku, Videl, Nappa
4. Ju_Nanago SS4 Gogeta, Android 17, Lab Coat
5. Brave Jiren, Gotenks, Janemba
5. Uchiha_FZ SS4 Gogeta, Cell, Broly
7. Metplex Zamasu, Krillin, Jiren
7. Puffcakes Kefla, Teen Gohan, Cell

The DBFZ rollback netcode beta testing will continue till December 11, so we have a lot of time to experience the improved online matchmaking in casual fights and through pro tournaments.

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