NetherRealm Studios, the developer of Mortal Kombat 1, has unveiled its timeline for the upcoming Kombat Pack DLC. The DLC content is set to begin with Omni-Man in November 2023. Subsequently, Quan-Chi, DCU's Peacemaker, will make their way to the bloody showdown in Winter 2023/24, while Ermac and Homelander (from The Boys TV series ) will join in in Spring 2024, and lastly, Takeda Takahashi in Summer 2024. However, DLC Kameo Fighter Tremor will arrive alongside Omni-Man in November, while no dates are available for other Kameo fighters Ferra, Khameleon, and Mavado.
For those interested, the Kombat Pack is available for $39.99 and is also included in the Mortal Kombat 1 Premium Edition. Alternatively, individual characters from the pack can still be purchased separately.