What does the pro player put in his ears
DF: Give us five artistes you have on repeat right now?
KP: I wonder how many people will believe this? Constantly rotating, every single day I'm listening to:
- The Weeknd
- Dua Lipa
- Jay-Z
- Jessie Reyez
- J. Cole / Zivert / Camila Cabello
I know that's over 5, but that 5th spot is any of the 3. I've also been on a huge Rick Ross and Jeezy run lately, I'm in a very happy space.
DF: What are your top 5 songs right now?
KP: Oh boy, individually is impossible 😅, here's 5 that I'm listening to every day and just constantly repeat during my listens
- Seen It All - Jeezy & Jay-Z
- JEANS - Jessie Reyez ft. Miguel
- Physical - Dua Lipa
- La Buena Vida - Camila Cabello
- h u n g e r . o n . h i l l s i d e - J. Cole ft. Bas
DF: Do you have mood music for playing games? If so, who do you usually go with?
KP: Not necessarily. MK1, fortunately, has a much better score than MK11, so we actually keep the music on.
DF: What is your comfort media? What is the story behind your love for it?
KP: Hmm, I don't think I have that. Music is my comfort, video games being right behind it. Rumbleverse is and was everything to me, my favorite game of all-time, and it's gone. As far as anime is concerned, I'm ignorant to its history. Not because I dislike it, I just never got into it. I guess The Boondocks, if that counts 🐐
DF: Comfort movie?
KP: I don't know if I have a comfort movie, but I'm sure I've seen Friday/Next Friday/Friday After Next 500 times, so it HAS to be one of those.
DF: Comfort series?
KP: DJ Hero free! 1+2 are some of my favorite games of all time, and I can ALWAYS clear my mind of any perils when I fire up the greatest soundtracks to ever grace video games 😤
DF: What are your top 5 games outside of Mortal Kombat
KP: This is ALWAYS impossible. Every day you ask, I'll give you 5 different games. Well, the top 2 always and the next 3 will always rotate depending on what my brain can remember at the time:
- Rumbleverse
- The Witcher 3
- Banjo-Kazooie
- Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (cheating)
- Final Fantasy IX
DF: If you could name one game that defined your childhood, what would it be? Can you tell us about your relationship with the game?
KP: One game? Impossible. If I have to, I'm gonna say Kirby Superstar (8 games in one!). When we got a Super Nintendo for the first time on that Christmas, I knew playing it that nothing would come close to video games as a form of entertainment...they still haven't.
DF: If you could only listen to one artiste for the rest of your life, eat one meal for the rest of your life, and play one game for the rest of your life, what would your selections be?
KP: WOW, okay, this is incredibly tough. As far as music? Initially, I want to choose The Weeknd, but I'm gonna go with Michael Jackson, I have 50 years' worth of catalog from the 🐐
Meal? Samantha's chicken parm meal with whatever sides. Everyday. For life.
One game for the rest of my life? Easiest question ever: Rumbleverse
DF: What is one thing you don’t think anyone would believe you love, that you actually love?
KP: IIncredibly tough question. I think wearing my heart on my sleeve allows people to understand that my love isn't something that should surprise them. I'm gonna say my ability to detach. Once I do not care about something or someone, it can not move me at ALL. I'm the most tolerant, most forgiving soul ever - but once it's been put into a certain category, I could not care less. It seems spiteful and sinister almost, but I do not care. I love the ability to be as cold as possible (when deserved).