DF: Give us five artistes you have on repeat right now?
Forever King: The Weeknd, Bad Bunny, Travis Scott, Drake, Kendrick Lamar
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Become a PatronForever King: The Weeknd, Bad Bunny, Travis Scott, Drake, Kendrick Lamar
Forever King: K-POP
Forever King: Not necessarily a gaming mood music, just any of the music I like. Hip hop or anime music.
Forever King: Yu Yu Hakusho is my favorite anime of all time. Just hits all the stuff I'm looking for, good story, good fights, good characters. Same with my favorite cartoon of all time Avatar: The Last Airbender
Forever King: Django or Infinity War. Or any 90's Disney movie.
Forever King: Any of my favorite cartoons or anime, especially the DC ones like Teen Titans, Justice League Unlimited, etc.
Forever King: Injustice, Fortnite, Spelunky 2, any Mario game, any Super Smash Brothers game.
Forever King: Definitely Mortal Kombat. I have owned and loved every MK game ever made, outside of Special Forces. The earliest memory of my life is being 3 years old playing MK2 on the Sega Genesis.
Forever King: Michael Jackson or The Weeknd, pretty much no bad songs and alot different styles to choose from. If I could eat whatever I want and not get fat, I would eat ice cream and milkshakes every day for the rest of my life. If the food I choose effects my health, I'll choose steak. For game I would choose Mortal Kombat 9, my favorite video game of all time.
Forever King: Not sure, lol. Can't think of an answer for this one. If I do I'll come back to this one.
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