This is the segment where we check out all the cool stuff the biggest pro players in the FGC listen to
DF: Give us five artistes you have on repeat right now?
2ez: Bad Bunny, Drake, Moana Soundtrack (having kids lol, sounds are actually 🔥), J.Cole, Pipoco (Portuguese song)
DF: Do you have mood music for playing games? If so, who do you usually go with?
2ez: It really varies on the day. Sometimes I like something really chill and vibey like a Lofi hiphop beat station on YouTube, or sometimes I need something extremely aggro that will definitely feed into an aggressive type of gameplay that day, something like Motorboat by Tory Lanez would fit the occasion
DF: What is your comfort (the piece of media you could watch at any time and in any situation) anime? What is the story behind your love for it?
2ez: Man I honestly fell out of watching anime. I use to love it though. Death Note and Naruto will forever be classics for me
DF: Comfort movie?
2ez: Inception, goated movie
DF: Comfort series?
2ez: Breaking Bad, will forever be the goated series
DF: What are your top 5 games outside of Mortal Kombat
2ez: Socom 2, DotA, Command and Conquer Red Alert, Valorant, Counter Strike Source
DF: If you could name one game that defined your childhood, what would it be? Can you tell us about your relationship with the game?
2ez: The Socom series on the PlayStation. At a young age it was one of the games that me and my brother became obsessed with competitively. RIP Socom/Gamebattles
DF: If you could only listen to one artiste for the rest of your life, eat one meal for the rest of your life, and play one game for the rest of your life, what would your selections be?
2ez: Kendrick Lamar, Ceveiche, and Project L, FREE
DF: What is one thing you don’t think anyone would believe you love, that you actually love?
2ez: Hmmm, I love having difficult brackets in tournaments. Nothing is better than having opportunities to prove myself