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Rugged Gunslinger, a cowboy outside of his time. Antiaging magic. Voiced by an icon of the gaming industry, Troy Baker. His quips and general cowboy mannerism has made him stand out among what is arguably an already very diverse roster.Know more
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The chart shows this character's most frequent matchups, and also the most favorable ones based on win rate.
Win rate
Matchups based on at least on 50 games.
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Player | Games | Wins | Losses | Win rate |
Mobility: 3
Range: 4
Zoning: 5
Damage: 7
Grappling: 6
Erron Black was born in 19th Century Texas. Working as a gunslinger in the states. Eventually, sorcerer Shang Tsung hired him to eliminate an Earthrealm warrior. Part of that agreement included providing Erron with magic to slow down his aging. Thus allowing the gunslinger to live for well over 150 years. Eventually, he would enter the service of Kotal Kahn.
Erron's gun-wielding style of fighting can keep opponents awake at night. His long lifespan has also allowed the outlaw to develop some incredibly gunslinging skills.